Al Istiqlal Library


Women s lives : multicultural perspectives 305.420973/K I R
The politics of education in the States 379.73/Z E I
School and society : historical and contemporary perspectives 306.4320973/T O Z
War in world history : society, technology, and war from ancient times to the present 355.02/M O R
Exploring prehistory : how archaeology reveals our past 930.1/C R A
Palestinians Register : laying foundations and setting directions : report of the Civitas project 325.21/P A L
The evolution of nuclear strategy 355.0217/F R E
Annual editions : archaeology 930.1/A N N
Archaeology : discovering our past 930.1/S H A
Administration in the public sector 350/G O R
Student solutions guide to accompany discrete mathematics and its applications 512/R O S
Literature : craft and voice 800/D E L
Disarmament: negotiations and treaties, 1946-1971 341.73/D I S
Sound ideas 808.0427/K R A
Forensics demystified 363.25/F I S
Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank 305.48892740531/P A L
Annual editions : computers in society 08/09 303.48/A N N
Thinking critically about ethical issues 170/R U G
Taking Sides: clashing views on educational issues 370.973 / T A K
College physics : with an integrated approach to forces and kinematics 530/G I A
Introduction to physical education , fitness, and sport 613.71/S I E
Doing philosophy : an introduction through thought experiments 100/S C H
American Democracy and World Power 320.973/I S A
Economics : the basics 330/M A N
Payroll records & procedures 658.321/H A D
Study guide for use with McConnell, Brue, and Flynn Economics 330/W A L
Your UNIX : the ultimate guide 005.432/D A S
Mass Media Law 343.73099/P E M
Administrative law 342.7306/C A N
Feminist frontiers 305.420973/T A Y
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